A Life Insurance can be defined as a contract between an insurance policyholder and an insurance company wherein the insurer pays a sum of money in exchange for a premium after a set period or upon the death of an insured person. Life insurance is an inimitable part of one’s financial plan. Opting for a life insurance policy can insure one from financial strain in case of an unfortunate event such as when someone passes away.

Benefits of life insurance

Offers comprehensive life cover | Provides long-term savings | Ensures life stage-specific planning | Makes for a good tax saving option.

Max Life Insurance

Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a life insurance company in India. The company is a subsidiary of the publicly listed Max Financial Services Limited and is the largest non-bank private-sector life insurer in India. 

Smoking is a deadly habit that can cause heart and lung disease. It also can lead to much higher life insurance premiums.